Our mission

The ASKO Europa-Stiftung links the future topics of Europe and sustainability in order to sensitize civil society for their importance and to mobilize it to get actively involved with them. It initiates and accompanies regional, European and international projects with a focus on intercultural networking, in particular among the younger generation.

Purpose / Activities / Charter

Insights into our work



Discover Europe
an der ESS

Die Schüler:innen der Primar- und Sekundarstufe an der Europäischen Schule Saarland (ESS) erlebten zwei spannende Europa-Workshops mit den saarländischen START-Stipendiat:innen

Lesen zu Europa 

Spannende Lesungen mit Prof. Dr. Roland Kaehlbrandt: "Deutsch - eine Liebeserklärung"
und Robert Menasse: "Die Welt von morgen"

Presseartikel Saarbrücker Zeitung

So geht deutsch-französische Teamarbeit!

Feierlicher Abschluss der 5. Ausgabe der grenzüber-schreitenden Saarmoselle-Jugendkooperative (CJS), Forbach-Saarbrücken in der Europäischen Akademie Otzenhausen.




NEW in our publication series "Denkart Europa | Mindset Europe":
Europe at a Turning Point
PD Dr. Matthias Waechter, Aline Palige, Laurent Baechler (ed.)

The Russian war of aggression against Ukraine is a turning point for the European Union in many different respects. Practically all the EU’s policy areas are affected by it, from its common foreign and security policy to its position in relation to its allies, like the United States, and to key geopolitical actors such as China. The war impacts our energy security, energy costs, and the way we need to organise our transition to carbon-neutral sources. Inflation has returned to Europe, and many citizens feel overwhelmed by the accumulation of crises since the outbreak of Covid-19 in 2020.
The essays assembled in this book were written by researchers affiliated to the CIFE (Centre international de formation européenne) in Nice and Berlin. They address various challenges to the EU triggered by the turning point of 2022.






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