The ASKO Europa-Stiftung is a legally incorporated foundation personality under civil law.
It solely and directly pursues objectives of public benefit. It was founded in 1990. ASKO Deutsche Kaufhaus AG and the ASKO Vereinigung e. V. (both in Saarbrücken) endowed it with its foundation capital. The ASKO Europa-Stiftung has its seat in Saarbrücken and is therefore located in the center of the European core region SaarLorLux and near the European decision-making centers of Strasbourg, Luxembourg and Brussels.
The foundation exclusively and directly pursues purposes for the public benefit in accordance with the section "Tax privileged purposes" of the German tax code (§§ 51 to 68 AO).
The purpose of the foundation is to promote:
a) science and research (§ 52 paragraph 2, no. 1 AO)
b) general education and vocational training (§ 52 paragraph 2, no. 7 AO)
c) an international mindset (§ 52 paragraph 2, no. 13 AO)
d) the democratic state (§ 52 paragraph 2, no. 24 AO)
e) active citizenship in favor of purposes for the public benefit (§ 52 paragraph 2, no. 25 AO).
In accordance with the resources available, the tasks shall be performed in particular through
Click here to read the full text of our charter.