Since 2004, the ASKO Europa-Stiftung has been publishing the book series "Denkart Europa|Mindset Europe - Schriften zur europäischen Politik, Wirtschaft und Kultur" at NOMOS publishers. The objective is to make scientifically sound analyses on a wide range of European topics available to a broader public and thus contribute to the reflection on political and social developments in Europe. The Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen has been co-publisher of the series since 2011.

All volumes of the book series can be directly ordered at Nomos publishers:

Volume 36 (2024)
Arbeitsgruppe Kultur der Großregion (Hrsg.)
Schicksal(e) der Großregion - Destin(s) de la Grande Région

Volume 35 (2023)
PD Dr. Matthias Waechter, Aline Palige, Laurent Baechler (eds.)
Europe at a Turning Point

Volume 34 (2022)
European Horizons (eds.)
Cornerstones for an Evolving Europe
New Policy Approaches to Economic Development, Environmental Policy, and Human Rights

Volume 33 (2020)
Matthias Waechter, Jean-Claude Vérez (eds.)
Europe - Between Fragility and Hope

Volume 32 (2020)
European Horizons (eds.)
How Can Digital Technologies Build a More Integrated Europe?

Volume 31 (2020)
Patricia Oster, Christoph Vatter (eds.)
Fluchtraum Europa
Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven

Volume 30 (2019)
Sophie Schram
Constructing Trade
The Negotiation of the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) in Quebec

Volume 29 (2019)
Christian Scholz, Peter Dörrenbächer, Anne Rennig (eds.)
Europa jenseits des Konvergenzparadigmas

Volume 28 (2018)
Matthias Waechter, Hartmut Marhold (eds.)
Europe - Against the Tide

Volume 27 (2018)
Prof. Dr. Hans W. Giessen, Arno Krause, Prof. Dr. Patricia Oster-Stierle und Prof. em. Dr. Albert Raasch (ed.)
Mehrsprachigkeit im Wissenschaftsdiskurs
Ein Panorama der Möglichkeiten und Schwierigkeiten


List of all publications since 2006